Lynx Rasterlink enhances ESRI ArcMap’s support for georectified imagery.
Large collections of georectified imagery are unweildy to view and manage within ArcGIS Desktop. ArcMap MXDs containing a large number of georectified images can be unresponsive and slow to initialise, due to the large size of the raster images, and browsing folders of georectified maps using ArcCatalog can also be slow. Creating a raster catalog can help, but it still does not provide image preview within ArcMap. The Lynx Rasterlink tool adds simple one-click access to georectified images, working from a raster catalog layer or from a ‘raster footprint’ polygon layer.
These 2 movies show how Lynx Rasterlink helps you handle large georectified image datasets – either tiled or overlapping – within ESRI ArcGIS Desktop.
Lynx Rasterlink will work from either a raster catalog, or a standard polygon layer showing raster ‘footprints’ (wire-frame outlines) containing a hyperlink field referencing the georectified image file for each polygon.
Activate the tool by right-clicking on the raster polygon layer in the table of contents and selecting ‘Lynx Rasterlink: Activate for this Layer’ from the context menu (or alternatively you can activate it from the Lynx Toolbar), and then click on the map to select the surrounding georectified image or images. If more than one polygon surrounds the point you clicked, then a dialog box will list them all – selecting an item in this dialog causes its extent to flash, so that large- and small-scale maps can be distinguished.
Lynx Rasterlink is compatible with ESRI ArcGIS Desktop V10 and V9.3.
For more information, see here, or download an evaluation here.