Lynx Information Systems Inc will have a ‘vendor corner’ presence at the forthcoming Houston Geological Society International Dinner event on Monday, 9th June at the Hilton Houston Westchase on Westheimer Rd. The focus of the event will be a talk by Bob Erich and Francis Inniss of PanAtlantic Exploration entitled ‘Exploration for Cretaceous Deep-water Reservoirs in the Circum-Caribbean Region: Historical Review and Expectations for the Future‘. Of topical interest, Lynx will be showcasing details of a recently initiated project to build a national seismic repository on behalf of the Government of Belize, which aims to make accessible some 10,000 Kms of both legacy and modern 2D seismic data for a country with a newly invigorated exploration sector. The ‘Belize Seismic Repository‘ – which will make use of Lynx’ expertise to vectorize and reprocess hardcopy seismic records, alongside data management practices established & proven by Lynx in its 20-year running of the UK Onshore Geophysical Library – is scheduled to go ‘live’ via a dedicated map-based portal by the end of August 2014. Also of note to explorers with interests in South America, is news of another project being instigated by Lynx to create an Exploration Fabric of South America (EFSA) GIS resource, which follows in the path of the successful Exploration Fabric of Africa (EFA) project which sought to update the distinguished mapping work of the late Ed Purdy.
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