An Iraqi exploration bid round is to be opened late in 2011. Lynx Information Systems, in association with David Boote Consulting and IGI, is compiling an “interactive tool-kit” to provide a better understanding of the known petroleum systems in Iraq.
The tool-kit is designed to allow interpreters to build play fairway maps for regional synthesis, and make play and prospect risk assessments.
Geochemical analyses – 3D basin models – are to be run by IGI, using the Trinity modelling software.
The deliverables will include: a full suite of regional gross facies maps, source rock distribution and source rock maturity maps, regional cross-sections, field cross-sections. The tool-kit will also include a suite of ArcGIS plug-ins developed by Lynx for visualising seismic data and well-log data.
Contact us for more details on project content and progress.