Exploration Fabric of Africa

The Exploration Fabric of Africa (EFA) project (http://www.efafrica.com) is a project initiated by Lynx director Peter Wigley, as a tribute to his friend Ed Purdy who died in 2009. Dr Purdy was a pioneer in the field of carbonate sedimentology, and he also contributed significantly to the general understanding of African geology, with the publication of his ‘Exploration Fabric of Africa’ maps in 1989.

Exploration Fabric of Africa, 1989

Peter assembled a group of Ed’s friends and former colleagues to update these maps and build an interactive GIS version. All the project contributors gave their time pro bono, and a proportion of proceeds from sales is to be donated to the Africa Now charity (www.africanow.org).


The updated GIS provides a general exploration fabric overview for the continent of Africa, plus play fairways, hydrocarbon types, gravity and basement mapping, with links to the AAPG Datapages online journal archive for seismic lines and field locations. The GIS is provided as both an ArcGIS Desktop geodatabase, and as an online interactive map.
Find out more about the EFA project at its website here (www.efafrica.com), or enquire about EFA project sponsorship by contacting EFA Sponsorship Manager Vesna Vokins.

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