Today’s Oil Price and the necessity for Smart Data Management Systems

E&P companies have had to adjust their activities with the fall in global oil prices. As a direct result of this, most if not all, have had their budgets reduced significantly, projects put on hold or even cancelled. Head count reduction is also common practice, and with this reduction, knowledge and experience also leave the company.

It’s not all doom and gloom! There is an opportunity to utilise existing well managed in house data sets and avoid investing revenue in acquiring new seismic and other types of data. This can save E&P companies millions!

Lynx have over 25 years of experience in handling seismic & well data from around the world. Our in-house vectorizing teams in London & Houston can help you exploit the full potential of your paper archives of seismic & well data. We also have experience in reconciling and reconstructing seismic locations from incomplete line intersection and/or coordinate information. We can scan and vectorize hard-copy seismic sections, well logs, shotpoint basemaps, and convert them into industry-standard exchange formats SEG-Y, SEG-P1/UKOOA & LAS. Once in digital format, your seismic data can be conveniently loaded to interpretation workstations for detailed review, interpretation and analysis.

Lynx has also developed the Lynx Resource Portal for effectively managing all data within E&P Companies. This is a web-portal with back-end database management system for efficiently visualising, managing and delivering seismic data images and other petroleum exploration data through a map-based web browser in real time. The model is used by the UK Onshore Geophysical Library, and has been widely hailed as a great success in promoting exploration activity onshore in the UK.

Please contact Lynx for more information regarding our products and services and how we can help you extract the full potential of your data archives!





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British Geological Survey (BGS) UK offshore data release

The British Geological Survey (BGS) has announced that it has released a substantial offshore data set in to the public domain for free.

The data is comprised of and derived from 18,500 scanned paper records and can be accessed via the BGS offshore index.

The BGS offshore index interface enables the user to access offshore marine data located around the UK and includes this new release, “the information comprises geophysical data representing 800,000km of the geology of the UK marine environment.”

The images of the scanned geophysical data sets, where available under the Open Government Licence, are for use and provide support to companies and educational establishments researching and working in the UK offshore marine environment.

Lynx Information Systems have a comprehensive software solution for converting seismic images, line location (shot point) maps and cross sections into digital data, importing and editing existing  data from a variety of formats. Using the utilities provided in our software suite, output files can be made ready for loading to your seismic interpretation workstation or GIS software for further processing and evaluation.

Please contact Lynx for more information regarding our services about how we may be able to help you derive greater value from your data.


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HGS International Dinner – Oligocene-Miocene Rifting and its Influence on Siliciclastic Reservoir Distribution and Exploration in the Gulf of Suez, Clues from Recent Sub-surface Analysis, Eastern Desert, Egypt

Lynx will have a ‘Vendor Corner’ booth at the forthcoming HGS International Dinner talk on Egypt to be given by Sharma Dronamraju on Monday 15th February. The talk is focussed on siliclastic reservoir distribution in the Gulf of Suez, drawing on an analysis of data obtained through EOR work on the Yusr field in the Eastern Desert.

The venue for the talk and dinner is the Westchase Hilton, at 9999 Westheimer.

Exploration opportunities in Egypt are presented in several discrete play types across its key basinal provinces. Some of the more prolific plays, such as the Lower Cretaceous Bahariya Sandstones of the Western Desert, and Oligo-Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene sandstones of the Nile Delta province, are fairly well established and continue to provide significant drilling success rates, with the recent Eni Zohr discovery (30 TCF) standing out as a world class gas field. Many other play opportunities are yet under-explored in frontier areas, and known oil accumulations in non-primary targets e.g. early Tertiary limestones in the Western Desert remain under-exploited.

The Gulf of Suez is the site of Egypt’s first oil discovery back in 1886, and to date this classic rift basin province has yielded over 130 field discoveries. Its producing fields are predominantly uplifted, pre-Miocene tilted fault blocks within which clastic and carbonate reservoirs are sealed by overlying Miocene shales and evaporites, or broad anticlinal flexures, containing Miocene clastic reservoirs formed over the uplifted blocks by differential compaction and subsidence. These fields are particularly attractive from the production standpoint, being characterised by good reservoir parameters, long oil columns, stacked pays, good quality crude and shallow water depths. A marked improvement in the technical understanding of the petroleum geology and geophysics of the basin has resulted from the refinement of the geologic models and recent improvements in seismic data quality which have improved resolution beneath the evaporites, leading to a better understanding of the distribution of pre-salt reservoirs and the recognition of a wide variety of trapping mechanisms in structural, paleogeomorphic and stratigraphic undrilled leads providing opportunities for future discoveries.

The entire exploration potential of Egypt is detailed in a comprehensive GIS-based ‘Exploration Adviser’ study produced by Lynx and partners Fairway Exploration.

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Mexican ‘Ronda 1’ UPDATE

Mexico continues at full throttle and launches the 4th stage of its Round One, known officially as ‘CNH-R01-L04/2015’. This time the available blocks (10) are located in deep waters, 6 blocks are in the ‘Cuenca Salina’ (Salt Basin) in the southern Mexican Gulf, whereas the remaining 4 blocks are upper-north, in the area known as ‘Cinturón Plegado Perdido’ (Lost Fold Belt).

See a preview of the blocks being offered in this 4th stage in our Interactive Licensing Round Map.

Ronda 1. Deep Waters’ blocks location.

So far, the other three previous licensing processes of the Ronda 1 have been awarded and they can be summarized as follows (more information at

Stage 1, Shallow Waters, Exploration. Round Name CNH-R01-L01/2014

Awarded Block/s Awarded Tender/s
2 “Sierra Oil & Gas S. de R.L. de C.V., Talos Energy LLC y Premier Oil PLC.”

Stage 2, Shallow Waters, Production Sharing. Round Name CNH-R01-L02/2015

Awarded Block/s Awarded Tender/s
Pokoch “Fieldwood Energy LLC, en Consorcio con Petrobal S.A.P.I de C.V.”
Amoca “ENI International”
Ichalkil “Fieldwood Energy LLC, en Consorcio con Petrobal S.A.P.I de C.V.”
Hokchi “Pan American Energy LLC en Consorcio con E&P Hidrocarburos y Servicios, S.A. de C.V.”

Stage 3, Terrestrial, Extraction. Round Name CNH-R01-L03/2015

Awarded Block/s Awarded Tender/s
MOLOACÁN. “Canamex Dutch B.V. en consorcio con Perfolat de México, S.A. de C.V. y American Oil Tools S. de R.L. de C.V.”
FORTUNA NACIONAL “Compañía Petrolera Perseus, S.A. de C.V.”
CALIBRADOR “Consorcio Manufacturero Mexicano, S.A. de C.V.”
DUNA “Construcciones y Servicios Industriales Globales, S.A. de C.V.”
CATEDRAL “Diavaz Offshore, S.A.P.I. de C.V.”
PASO DE ORO “Geo Estratos, S.A. de C.V. en consorcio con Geo Estratos Mxoil Exploración y Producción, S.A.P.I. de C.V.”
MAYACASTE “Grupo Diarqco, S.A. de C.V.”
SECADERO “Grupo R Exploración y Producción, S.A. de C.V. en consorcio con Constructora y Arrendadora México, S.A. de C.V.”
MALVA “Renaissance Renaissance Oil Corp S.A. de C.V.Oil Corp S.A. de C.V.”
PARAISO “Roma Energy Holdings, LLC en consorcio con Tubular Technology, S.A. de C.V. y Gx Geoscience Corporation, S. de R.L. de C.V.”
SAN BERNARDO “Sarreal, S.A. de C.V.”
CUICHAPA PONIENTE “Servicios de Extracción Petrolera Lifting de México, S.A. de C.V.”
BENAVIDES-PRIMAVERA “Sistemas Integrales de Compresión, S.A. de C.V. en consorcio con Nuvoil, S.A. de C.V. y Constructora Marusa, S.A. de C.V.”
PEÑA BLANCA “Strata Campos Maduros, S.A.P.I. de C.V.”

Stage 4, Exploration, Deep Waters. Round Name CNH-R01-L04/2015

Awarded Block/s Awarded Tender/s
Cuenca Salina 01 Ongoing process. Bid closes July 2016
Cuenca Salina 02
Cuenca Salina 03
Cuenca Salina 04
Cuenca Salina 05
Cuenca Salina 06
Cinturón Plegado Perdido 01
Cinturón Plegado Perdido 02
Cinturón Plegado Perdido 03
Cinturón Plegado Perdido 04

To help companies evaluating an entry into Mexico, Lynx is offering a Mexico GIS Dataset as an ArcGIS Desktop project, which provides a number of important G&G layers to set the framework for closer analysis of each of the open block areas.  The slideshow below gives a preview of some of the layers included in the project.

Lynx is also available to help companies with the task of with data integration and analogue-to-digital reconstruction (seismic and well log vectorization) work as might be encountered during this bid round.

Please contact us for further details

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Iran – lifting of sanctions brings new exploration opportunities

US and EU sanctions on Iran were lifted last weekend in accordance with the nuclear agreement announced in July 2015, paving the way for global energy companies to re-enter the country. While this will probably add to the downward pressure on oil prices in the short term, it also provides new opportunities for cost-effective exploration and enhanced production in an established petroleum province.

Iranian officials are expected to provide full details of the much-anticipated Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) during a London conference to be held over 22-24 February. Meanwhile, the National Iranian Oil Company has already set up a dedicated web portal with information on the initial contract areas slated for exploration and development. A total of 52 existing oil and gas fields are being marked for development projects, whilst locations for 18 blocks across the length and breadth of the country – including 4 in the Caspian Sea – have now been outlined for exploration bids as part of the IPC (see embedded map beneath).

Iran IPC exploration blocks - Lynx interactive licensing rounds map

Iran IPC exploration blocks – click to open the Lynx Interactive Licensing Rounds Map

IPC offshore blocks on offer:

IPC onshore blocks on offer:

  • Abadan, Khuzestan province
  • Dousti, Razavi Khorasan province
  • Kavir, Semnan province
  • Moghan, Ardabil province
  • Raz, North Khorasan province
  • Sarakhs, Razavi Khorasan province
  • Sistan, Sistan and Baluchestan province
  • Taybad, Razavi Khorasan province
  • Timab, Ilam province
  • Tudej, Fars province
  • Zahab, Kemanshah province

Lynx is able to offer rapid access to critical information through a range of quick-turnaround data reformatting services and non-exclusive studies. Our Iran Exploration Adviser GIS is a complete G&G synthesis which provides essential data for exploration teams who wish to evaluate opportunities in Iran, and the GIS has data coverage over many of the IPC areas in the form of well & field locations & associated databases, surface geology and cross sections, facies & isopach mapping, plus digital seismic and well log data with localised interpretations. The study is completed with a detailed hydrocarbon evaluation report and summary sheets for over 60 fields.If you are interested in learning more about our studies and services, please contact us.

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Lynx Information Systems and The UK Onshore Geophysical Library (UKOGL) will be exhibiting at the PESGB PROSPEX Conference 2015 in London

Lynx Information Systems and UKOGL will be exhibiting together at the PESGB PROSPEX 2015 in London on the 9th & 10th December at The Business Design Centre, Islington.

Please come along and visit us at Booth 54 and see how the Lynx Resource Portal (LRP) has been successfully implemented in the daily running of the Library on behalf of the UK Government.

Lynx has had an instrumental role in the establishment of the Library, as Project Manager since its inception, helping to formulate Library policies. Lynx has overseen the archiving of over 75,000 km of 2D & 3D seismic surveys, managed the provision of over 46,000 km of data to industry, and administered the supply of over 16,000 km of free data to academic institutions.

Lynx will also be marketing its non-exclusive South West Approaches SEGY Data Package. With over 25,000 km of 2D seismic data on offer in the UK South West Approaches (in partnership with DECC and the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI), the SEGY stack data has been digitally reconstructed from the hardcopy sections, processed, enhanced and reconciled with the navigation data. The package is available for immediate loading to your interpretation workstation.

Please feel free to stop by and have a chat with us about any aspects of our products and services.

We look forward to seeing you there!



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Lynx Information Systems Updates West Africa Aptian Salt Basin GIS Report and Database in response to the recent Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon Licensing Rounds

In response to the recent launch of the Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon Licensing Rounds, Lynx Information Systems and Fairway Exploration have made substantial updates to the Hydrocarbon Exploration Potential of the West African Aptian Salt Basin ArcGIS-based Report. 

The study provides a comprehensive ArcGIS-based database and evaluation report on the prospective basins of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo and the Kwanza Basin of Angola, and identifying new plays and leads in areas of currently open acreage.

GIS-based exploration portfolio management processes and tools have been used to organize the database so that it is able to support the exploration workflow at any stage from basin analysis and initial play generation, through data acquisition and on to the identification of new plays and their maturation into drillable prospects.

In addition to the GIS and Report, the database includes electric LAS logs from over 90 wells, digital SEG-Y data from over 100 seismic lines and tops, reservoir and geochemistry data for over 1000 wells in the area. The project contains a considerable amount of new information and interpretation. New play maps illustrating the distribution of the major source, reservoir and seal facies that make up the hydrocarbon systems in each basin have been produced. Play Fairway Maps have been generated from these data to which exploration risk parameters have been applied to develop maps suitable for undertaking Risk Analysis.

If you would like further information, or would like to arrange a live demonstration,  please contact us on 00 44 (0)208 780 2634, or email

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Esri EPUG, London – Lynx’s IT Director, Chris Morgan, presents an overview of our newly launched iSeisview & iLogview

This year’s Esri European Petroleum GIS Conference was held at the etc venues St. Paul’s, London, and was a great success with a packed audience of delegates.

A new addition to the program involved the partner exhibitors showcasing their latest products in a lightening showcase presentation to all attendees. Lynx’s IT Director, Chris Morgan, did a great job introducing our newly launched iSeisview & iLogview to the EPUG Community.

iSeisview and iLogview may be licensed for internal use within your organisation, or for external use on public-facing websites. We can also provide short-term hosting solutions for virtual data rooms and farm-outs.

If you have any questions about the technical implementation of iSeisview and iLogview, queries about the licensing and deployment options, or if you would like to arrange an evaluation, please contact us.


Below: Chris Morgan of Lynx introducing iSeisview & iLogview

IMG_2414 IMG_2409

IMG_2408 IMG_2407

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Lynx will be exhibiting at the ESRI European Petroleum User Group Conference on 5th – 6th November

Lynx will be exhibiting at the ESRI EPUG on 5th – 6th November at the etc venues, ST Pauls, London.

Please come along and visit us at our stand 110, to find about all the latest news and developments at Lynx.

We’ll be showcasing our latest Web Seismic and Wireline viewers – Websieisview and Weblogview.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Congo-Brazzaville Licensing Round 2016

The Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) has launched a 2016 Licensing Round, for blocks in the Coastal and Cuvette Basins. The Licensing Round was officially launched on 28th October at the Africa Oil Week conference in Cape Town.


Congo 2016 Licensing Round – click to open the Lynx Interactive Licensing Rounds Map

Click on the map above to open the Lynx Interactive Bid Rounds Map, and download shapefiles of the Congo 2016 Licensing Rounds blocks on offer.

The closing date for submissions will be 31st March 2016.

Lynx offers the GIS Exploration Adviser for the West Africa Salt Basin, an in-depth study of the hydrocarbon potential of the coastal basins of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Angola and Namibia, containing a wealth of information on wells, production, seismic and potential field data. For more details on the Adviser, please contact us.

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Gabon offers five deepwater blocks in 11th licensing round

Gabon launched its 11th Licensing Round at the Africa Oil Week Conference in Cape Town this week. The 11th Licensing Round offers five deep-water blocks in the South Gabon Salt Basin. Recent discoveries and a stable political environment make Gabon a very promising area for further exploration.


Gabon 11th Deep Water Licensing Round – click to open the Lynx Interactive Licensing Rounds Map

Click on the map above to open the Lynx Interactive Bid Rounds Map, and download a shapefile of the Gabon 11th Bid Round blocks on offer.

Roadshows for the 11th Round will be held in Libreville, Paris, Singapore and Houston, starting at the end of November. It is expected that bids will close at the end of March 2016.

Lynx offers the GIS Exploration Adviser for the West Africa Salt Basin, an in-depth study of the hydrocarbon potential of the coastal basins of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Angola and Namibia, containing a wealth of information on wells, production, seismic and potential field data. For more details on the adviser, please contact us.

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Lynx Information Systems and Fairway Exploration have recently completed an update of their GIS Database and Report on the Hydrocarbon Exploration Potential of Egypt, identifying new plays and leads in the areas of currently open acreage.

The Lynx/Fairway GIS Database and Hydrocarbon Evaluation of Egypt presents an extensive database and a comprehensive review of the exploration potential of Egypt. GIS-Based exploration portfolio management processes and tools have been used to organize the database so that it is able to support the exploration workflow at any stage from basin analysis and initial play generation, through data acquisition and on to the identification of leads and their maturation into drillable prospects. The  project contains a considerable amount of new information and interpretation. New play maps illustrating the distribution of the major source, reservoir and seal facies that make up the hydrocarbon systems in each basin have been produced. Play Fairway Maps have been generated from these data to which exploration risk parameters have been applied to develop maps suitable for undertaking Risk Analysis. In addition to the GIS and Report the database includes composite and electric logs, SEGY data and tops, reservoir and geochemistry data for over 900 wells in the area.

If you would like more information, or would like to arrange a live demonstration, then please contact us on 0208 780 2634 or email



Lynx iLogview 1.0 released

Announcing the release of Lynx iLogview, a web-enabled viewer for wireline log data.

Digital composite wireline logs can now be viewed in your web browser using the new Lynx iLogview viewer. Wireline logs can be viewed in a familiar interactive multi-track log display. iLogview works in all modern desktop browsers and on your iPad, and requires no browser plugins.

Lynx iLogview screenshot


iLogview provides a standalone web mapping application, which can be used for well location and log QC – see a simple web map example here –

Wireline logs can be integrated into your existing web mapping or DMS applications using direct links like this example, which shows wireline curves with formation tops.

You can also integrate well log data served by iLogview with seismic data served by iSeisview application to create integrated maps like this one:

WebLogview and WebSeisview integrated map - Dutch North Sea example


iLogview has a wide range of use-cases, including virtual data rooms, national data repositories and corporate data management systems.

Web server requirements [updated Sept 2023] for iLogview are:

  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • Apache Tomcat 8 (or newer)
  • Java JRE 8 (Java or OpenJDK)
  • Optional database – Oracle Spatial 11g R2, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (or newer), PostgreSQL 9 (or newer)

iLogview serves wireline log data from LAS files stored on your web server, and reads well log metadata and (optional) well locations from Oracle Spatial tables or CSV and KML files.

Browsers supported in version 1.0 include Google Chrome (37+) and Mozilla Firefox (32+) on Windows and MacOS, Chrome and Safari on iOS 7 (iPad), and Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11 and Microsoft Edge on Windows.

Licensing and Deployment Options

  • iLogview Deployment License – you may license either for internal company use or for public-facing use. Take advantage of full integration with your existing web mapping applications. Deploy to your own server or a cloud-based server. Use the Javascript API, RESTful interface and CSS hooks to create a customised viewer.
  • iLogview Hosting – for short-term websites (eg farm-outs and other virtual data rooms), Lynx will host your log data and provide a secure website for display of your log data and seismic data using iLogview and iSeisview. We will work with you to provide the level of customisation you require for your website – from a corporate logo and additional map layers with linked information to user authentication and activity logging.

Contact us to learn more about WebLogview, or to ask for an evaluation.



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Lynx Information Systems will be exhibiting at the 14th PESGB/HGS Conference & Exhibition on African E&P in September

Lynx Information Systems will be exhibiting at the upcoming 14th PESGB/HGS Conference & Exhibition on African E&P, between 3rd & 4th September at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London.

We’ll be showcasing and exhibiting all the latest updates to our African GIS Exploration Advisers covering West Africa, East Africa – Tanzania & Madagascar, Egypt, Algeria, and Libya.

Please do stop by our booth B4 to find out about all the latest developments in our geophysical, GIS, and software services. We’ll be more than happy to run through live demonstrations of all our products and services.

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

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Exploit The Full Potential Of Your Paper Archives of Seismic Data!

Lynx Information Systems have over 25 years of experience handling seismic data from around the world. With our in-house vectorising teams strategically located in London and Houston, we can help you exploit the full potential of your paper archives of seismic data.

We also have unrivalled expertise in reconciling and reconstructing seismic locations from incomplete line intersection and/or coordinate information.

We are able to scan and vectorise hard-copy seismic sections and shotpoint basemaps, and convert them into SEG-Y and SEG-P1/UKOOA.

Once in digital format, your data can be conveniently loaded to interpretation workstations for detailed review, interpretation and analysis.

Please contact us on +44 (0)208 780 2634, or at, to get a quote for vectorising your seismic data, or digitising your seismic basemaps.


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