Category Archives: announcements

Madagascar Licensing Round 2018 – Lynx Adviser

The Madagascan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, represented by OMNIS has officially opened the Madagascar Licensing Round 2018 at Africa Oil Week in Cape Town. The round is open from 7 November 2018 with bids requiring submission by the 30 … Continue reading

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Ukraine Bid Round

You might easily have missed the Ukrainian mini bid round, of 4 blocks, said to be the prelude to a much larger offering later this year. It was published on Ukraine’s Geological Service website on June 14th, but as it … Continue reading

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Egypt Bid Rounds 2018

Egypt has announced 2 new International Bid Rounds for 2018, for oil and gas exploration and exploitation. The licensing rounds will close in early October. EGAS have released 16 blocks in total, with 3 onshore the Nile Delta and 13 … Continue reading

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2018 Egypt License Round Approaches:

6 Onshore and 3 Offshore areas will be made available in the EGAS 2018 (Q2) Licence Round. Egypt is gearing up for a renewed surge in investment and exploration activity, it won’t be long until dates are formally announced. An … Continue reading

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2018 License Rounds, Revival

Are we finally in a period of optimism? We would like to think so. This feeling is amplified by the number of License Rounds that have already been announced at the start of 2018, and there are still 7.5months remaining … Continue reading

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Lynx Information Systems Ltd at Petex 2016

Lynx were present at Petex 2016 held at the ExCel London, with staff on hand to talk directly to attendees about the range of services Lynx provide, these include our newly launched Virtual Data Room (VDR) service that can be … Continue reading

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Lynx’s new Virtual Data Room Service

Lynx Information Systems is pleased to announce the launch of a new Virtual Data Room (VDR) service. This new VDR service is designed especially to showcase oil and gas exploration datasets,  for use in farm-outs, data sales and acquisition opportunities, … Continue reading

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Egypt GANOPE Licensing Round 2016

The Ganoub el Wadi Holding Company for Petroleum (GANOPE) in Egypt has announced a new international licensing round for oil and gas exploration and exploitation in the southern Western Desert and in the Gulf of Suez. The Licensing Round will … Continue reading

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Exploit The Full Potential Of Your Paper Archives of Seismic Data!

Lynx Information Systems have over 25 years of experience handling seismic data from around the world. With our in-house vectorising teams strategically located in London and Houston, we can help you exploit the full potential of your paper archives of … Continue reading

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Equatorial Guinea 2016 Licensing Round launched

Equatorial Guinea’s Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy has launched EG Ronda 2016. This licensing round will make available all acreages which are not currently operated or under negotiation, and includes a total of 32 offshore blocks and 5 onshore … Continue reading

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78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Vienna

Please stop by and visit us at stand 2210, in Hall B, to find out more about our world renowned scanning and vectorizing services. The team will be more than happy to vectorize some test lines for free!  

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Lynx Information Systems is exhibiting at the 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition at the Reed Messe Wien in Austria

Lynx Information Systems is exhibiting at the 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition on 30 May – 2 June 2016. Please come along and visit us at our stand 2210, in Hall B, to find out about all the latest news and developments on our … Continue reading

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Egypt 2016 International Bid Round launched

The Egyptian General Petroleum Corp has launched the new  International 2016 Bid Round for oil and gas exploration and production, including 11 exploration blocks in the Gulf of  Suez and Western Desert. Licenses will be issued under the Production Sharing … Continue reading

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Today’s Oil Price and the necessity for Smart Data Management Systems

E&P companies have had to adjust their activities with the fall in global oil prices. As a direct result of this, most if not all, have had their budgets reduced significantly, projects put on hold or even cancelled. Head count … Continue reading

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British Geological Survey (BGS) UK offshore data release

The British Geological Survey (BGS) has announced that it has released a substantial offshore data set in to the public domain for free. The data is comprised of and derived from 18,500 scanned paper records and can be accessed via … Continue reading

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